Robotics + Art

Learning about how industrialization and mass production influenced art was particularly interesting for me this week. The first lecture this week pushed me to think about whether inventors can also be considered artists. Both use creativity to imagine things that currently don’t exist, they use originality. I think that inventing should be considered an art form of its own! The example of Nikola Tesla highlights the idea (Vesna 09:23).

[Figure 1] Nikola Tesla

My ideas about how inventors and artists both use originality were expanded by the Douglas Davis reading. Davis argues that digital reproduction steals the originality of art (Davis, 381). I think he’s correct. I think in the digital world we consume art for what it is but not with proper credit for where it comes from.

[Figure 2] Comparison of an original design and the same design stolen for a different clothing site.

This week also brought up very big ideas for me around AI. I honestly hadn’t heard very much about AI until recently when it seemed like all of my classes were discussing the usage of Chat GPT. During the 60 Minutes interview with the CEO of Google, he states that AI will be as good or as evil as human nature allows (Pichai 0:48). I want to be optimistic about how AI will shape our world, but I am very worried because I do think that it could be a very negative thing for humanity. 

[Figure 3] Image attached to article "Why Does Artificial Intelligence Scare Us So Much?"


Davis, Douglas. “The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction (An Evolving Thesis: 1991-1995).”             Leonardo, vol. 28, no. 5, 1995, pp. 381–86. JSTOR, Accessed 22             Apr. 2023.

TED-Ed. “How Will AI Change the World?” TED, 2022,

“The AI Revolution: Google's Developers on the Future of Artificial Intelligence | 60 Minutes.” YouTube, YouTube, 16 Apr. 2023,

Vesna, Victoria. "Robotics-pt1" Canvas, uploaded by UC Online, 9 April 2012,

Walter, Benjamin. “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” Modernism, 1936, pp. 164–165.,

Image Citations

[Figure 1] “Nikola Tesla.” OCDUK,

[Figure 2] General, Ryan. “Blogilates Founder Accuses Fast Fashion Label Shein of Stealing Her Skirt Design.” Yahoo! News, Yahoo!, 2023,

[Figure 3] Weisberger, Mindy. “Why Does Artificial Intelligence Scare US so Much?” LiveScience, Purch, 8 June 2018,


  1. Hi Sydney! I loved reading your blog post this week and i find it so interesting how you and I approached the same prompt in a totally different manner! until this week, I was unaware of the relationship between robotics and art, and you bring up a great point, how inventions are a form of art. This is so true because they are full of creativity and originality! The image of Shein copying an artist's designs is crazy, how can people get away with this still!! overall, great job!

  2. Hi Sydney,
    Great job on this week's blog. I loved how you included shein stealing designs, it is so normalized by fast fashion brands and with digital reproduction. I also share your concerns about the impacts of Ai on humanity. I do believe there is some good as it helps further our technological advancements but it raises lots of ethical questions about privacy or possible bias. For example, the Ai that mimics people's voices is so scary.


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