Extra Credit Event #2

 June 8, 2023

For my final event, I went back to the Hammer Museum and explored some of the works in their main gallery! I chose to focus my blog on Roland Reiss's The Castle of Perseverance.

The Castle of Perseverance is a life-size recreation of a typical middle-class American living room in the 1970s. The room is made entirely out of sanded particleboard and the monochromatic elements of the art piece make the work feel truly frozen in time. 

I was taken by the piece because it is so realistic and the details were incredible. The room is complete with ashtrays, plants, TV dinners, and even a litter box! It seems like there shouldn't be anything profound about a recreation of a life-size living room, but Reiss makes a social commentary with the unsettling nature of his work. 

[Image 1] Image taken at the event. View of The Castle of Perseverance from behind the bar.

After taking DESMA 9, I was able to appreciate Reiss's work more so than I would have before. By making a life-size recreation rather than a miniature, the artist plays with the viewers' perception of reality (Bossen). The manipulation of a sense of reality ties into the consciousness exploration Professor Vesna taught about during Week 7 (Vesna, 2:13). 

[Image 2] Image taken at the event. View of The Castle of Perseverance facing the television.

Coupling the sculpture with the name of the piece, Reiss comments on the struggles of the American middle class. By calling the mundane, ordinary space a castle, Reiss makes a social commentary on the aspirations of American life (Bossen). 

Overall, I would recommend other students to visit this piece at the Hammer Museum! It's a very powerful artwork that plays with space and technology. 

[Image 3] Image taken at the event. My proof of attendance!


Bossen, Jorin. “Roland Reiss: The Castle of Perseverance: Curated by Jorin Bossen.” Artillery Magazine, 2023, artillerymag.com/events/roland-reiss-the-castle-of-perseverance-curated-by-jorin-bossen/.

“Roland Reiss - Biography.” Diane Rosenstein Gallery, dianerosenstein.com/artists/51-roland-reiss/biography/. Accessed 16 June 2023.

Vesna, Victoria. “Consciousness/Memory.” Canvas, 16 May 2012,                                                                          https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-7-view?module_item_id=5946342.


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